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A message from Mr Danvers. Our Headmaster:

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute, in this most modern way, to those members of the Heathwick School family who perished in the calamity on 16th December 2011. Elizabeth Hunter was a brilliant and dedicated teacher, a loyal colleague who loved her pupils, and faced the horrors of that day alone. The pupils who died were exceptional students from a golden year group.

Our hearts also go out to everyone who was injured on that terrible day, or lost family members or friends. We have all been touched by this tragedy, but we are determined that it will make our school a stronger community. This year’s Year 8 are outstanding, and we know that they, and Heathwick School as a whole, will face the challenge of coming to terms with our great loss with fortitude and faith.



In loving memory of Joshua Johnson, Chennelle Knight,Shilpa Kohli, Rory Lennahan, Calum Nailor, Rahil Nandi, Kayleigh Palmer, Jeffrey Quinn, Liam Tracy, Charmaine Young and Miss Elizabeth Hunter. Of Heathwick High School. They Died on 16/11.

Victims from the School


I’m sorry if I were bad to you. I didn’t mean it.
We all loved you really. Matt

It’s too late to say sorry. You were the bestest.
Sorry about your Mum too. Get well soon Mrs Palmer. xxxxx
I would like to thank
everyone who has contacted me about the
sad death of my wonderful daughter, Kayleigh. She
was a charming, generous and outgoing girl, who treasured
the many friendships she had made at Heathwick School. I
know she loved all of you as much as you loved her. My
physical injuries will heal. The pain in my heart will not go.
I would give anything for Kayleigh to have survived,
and not me. Yours sincerely,
Francine Palmer (Mrs).
OMG Your hole family gone. Not right.
I can’t believe it. BJ
I’m so sorry I never gave you back your DVD. I’m going
to give it to charity in your memory.
Miss Hunter.
It will be strange without you.
If I ever get to go to the theatre I won’t be able to
concentrate on the play, I will be thinking of how you
were taking us there when you died.
Miss Hunter. The last thing I heard you
say was GROW UP. It’s so sad that my
friends won’t get the chance.
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